
Monday, 20 May 2013

Procedure for registration under Haryana Value Added Tax Act, 2003

Procedure for registration under Haryana Value Added Tax Act, 2003

Documents required for registration:
  •   Application for Registration in Vat A1;
  • Copy of Bill of Import/GR/Octroi Receipt;
  • Copy of Rent Deed/Rent Receipt/Letter of Possession;
  • Two Surety Bonds in form VAT B2 (on 15 Rs Stamp Paper) or Bank Guarantee;
  • Affidavit/Statement of Applicant;
  • Address of Head Office and other place of business;
  • Site Map of Business Premises;
  • Name and Account Number of Bank;
  • Details of Immovable Property held by owner;
  • Exbition of Sign Board;
  • Resolution by Board of Director for applying HVAT registration (In case of Company).
  •  List of Directors with Address at present.
  • List of items to be purchased on R.C

·         List of Finished Material for resales and manufacturing
·         List of Raw Materials
·         List of Machinery/Generator Set
·         List of Packing Materials
  • Copy of Partnership Deed (In case of Partnership Firm)
  • Photographs of Proprietor/Partner/Directors.
  •  Memorandum and Article of Association of Company;
  • Photograph of Sureties;
  • Residence Proof of Proprietor/Partner/Director.
Condition for Act as an Surety:
  •  Surety must be a registered dealer under HVAT.
  • The surety of a dealer who is a registered dealer for not Less than 3 Years is acceptable by HVAT.
  • Verification and declaration of Surety in specified format under VAT B2 must be given along with photo of the surety.
  • Form VAT B2 must be duly signed and attested by the notary public.

Security May be furnished in any of the following manners:
  •  Cash deposit in the Government Treasury under head “0040-Tax on Sales, Trade etc.”
  • Post office saving bank account, the account being pledged to the Commissioner or any officer authorized by him in writing in this behalf;
  • Bank guarantee from a Scheduled Bank agreeing to pay to the State Government on demand the amount of security;
  • Personal bond with solvent surety/sureties for the amount of security to the satisfaction of the authority before whom it is required to be furnished under these rules, which shall be in Form VAT-B2 on a non-judicial; paper of the appropriate value; and
  • Such saving certificates or bonds or fixed deposit receipts as are issued by the Government of India, the State Government, or Reserve Bank of India or Scheduled Bank, from time to time, to be pledged to the Commissioner or any other officer  authorized by him in this behalf.
  •  The security furnished under sub-sections (1), (2), (4) and (6) of section 12 shall be maintained in full so long as the registration certificates continues to be in force.
  • In the event of default in the payment of any tax, interest, penalty or any other amount due, the security furnished by the dealer shall be liable to adjustment towards such amount, after intimation to him and the short fall in the amount of security shall unless ordered otherwise be made up by him within a period of fifteen days from the date of intimation in any of the ways specified in sub- rule (1).
  • The security furnished under sub-section (6) of section 31 shall be forfeited, if the payment of the amount due on account of advance tax, penalty or interest imposed is not made within the time allowed for the payment thereof.


  1. Registration of VAT in India

    What is VAT registration ?

    If one is trading in goods and his turnover exceeds prescribed threshold limit. One is required to get registered under VAT authority. Our specialized team make sure that all the compliances are being fulfilled in successful VAT registration.
    What documents are required for VAT registration ?
    How much time is required for VAT registration?
    Normal time to Register VAT in India is 7 working days time.
    Need Help?
    (CompanyIndia Group)
    Call : 9810139673, 8287022022
    Yahoo : vkare3
    Skype : theindial
    Gtalk : Companyindia
    Email :

  2. Registration of VAT in India
    What is VAT registration ?
    If one is trading in goods and his turnover exceeds prescribed threshold limit. One is required to get registered under VAT authority. Our specialized team make sure that all the compliances are being fulfilled in successful VAT registration.
    What documents are required for VAT registration ?

    How much time is required for VAT registration?

    Normal time to Register VAT in India is 7 working days time.

    Need Help?
    (CompanyIndia Group)
    Call : 9810139673, 8287022022
    Yahoo : vkare3
    Skype : theindial
    Gtalk : Companyindia
    Email :

  3. Planning to be a Merchant/ seller with Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal & Myntra.

    Start selling your products online at Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon and Myntra with your own TIN number.

    Register yourself with sales tax department to get TIN number, call us @ 9953318433.

    1. Hey Suresh Sehgal,

      Hope you are doing well.

      I start my business on as a seller. Please guide me and tell me cost of Registration on my Email:

      Please see the below link for your reference:

    2. Hi Ankit
      Is your query answered?

    3. Hi Vaibhav and Ankit,
      You both can get your VAT registrations done quickly and without any hassle through
      Or call at +91-8510003091 directly.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i want to know how much amount of sureity bond need to be prepared & in favour of whom for haryana vat registration?

  5. i want to know how much amount of sureity bond need to be prepared & in favour of whom for haryana vat registration?

  6. i want to know how much amount of sureity bond need to be prepared & in favour of whom for haryana vat registration?

  7. Great post.
    What is VAT Registration?
    VAT Registration is a State level registration for paying VAT.It is compulsory for manufacturers and traders having an annual turnover of more than Rs.5 lakhs in most states (Rs.10 lakhs in some states). VAT Registration gives the manufacturer or trader a unique 11 digit number that would be required for subsequent VAT Compliance, VAT Filing and other matters incidental to VAT or Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax.

    TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number, a registration that is the same as VAT registration or CST Registration.

    Need help?
    Contact us @ +91 7200 365 365

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